Diversity and Your Department

Resources for addressing diversity and inclusion

Tag: Inclusive Pedagogy


Center for Instructional Development and Research  UW Anthropology Department. (2011). Diversity and Inclusion in Teaching: Information Packet. (PDF)

This set of resources provided by the University of Washington Anthropology department provides a quick overview of issues to consider and strategies to take to create an inclusive classroom environment.


Susanne Hillman. (2015). Facing Injustice: Video Testimony in the College Classroom. Presented at the Teaching Diversity Conference, UC San Diego. Retrieved from https://diversity.ucsd.edu/_files/tdc%202015/Susanne%20Hillman.docx

In this paper, Professor Hillman presents her use of Videotaped testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, and the Nanjing massacre in teaching tolerance and empathy in the history classroom. She argues that "approaching the breakdown of equity, diversity, and inclusion within specific historical contexts equips students with the conceptual tools to recognize injustice and exclusion in the present." This method has cross-disciplinary possibilities.